Category: Open Access
Call for Creative Works and Papers – The Disrupted Journal of Media Practice
Although media practice as a field and community embraces a plurality of media, the materiality of its scholarly forms of production and communication remain predominantly text-based. How then, can a journal of media practice (JMP) extend from a speculative focus on what media practice as research could be, to an exploration of the alternative forms of…
Post-Digital Living Bookshelves
The book has always been studied within a wide variety of fields, from (book) history, bibliography and literature, to library and information science, publishing, and media studies. However, the latter—media studies—has been quite slow in its uptake of the book as an object of study, where as a field it has predominantly focused on audio-visual…
New Media Gatekeepers: Ecosystems of Access and Denial
Coventry University School of Media and Performing Arts Ellen Terry Building – ETG101 April 22nd – 12:30-16:00 17:00: Book Launch and Wine Reception Organised by the Centre for Disruptive Media: Free Symposium. Please Register at: www.newmediagatekeepers. Speakers: Margie Borschke (Macquarie University) – Music (via Skype) James Newman…
Videos ‘Why Are We Not Boycotting’ Symposium Now Online
In view of the current discussion taking place over’s introduction of an ‘article recommendation charge’, and the subsequent #DeleteAcademiaEdu hashtag, we thought you might be interested in this: Last month The Centre for Disruptive Media ( at Coventry University organised a symposium on academic social networking platforms called ‘Why Are We Not Boycotting’ Chaired…
Radical Open Access Conference – Videos Online
In June of last year the Radical Open Access Conference ( took place at Coventry University, organised by the Centre for Disruptive Media ( The videos of the various panels are now available underneath and on here: The conference gathered together a large community of presses, projects and thinkers exploring some of the more…
Why Are We Not Boycotting
With: Janneke Adema – Chair (Coventry University, UK) Pascal Aventurier (INRA, France) Kathleen Fitzpatrick (MLA/Coventry University, US) Gary Hall (Coventry University, UK) David Parry (Saint Joseph’s University, US) Registration: Organised by The Centre for Disruptive Media: Schedule: 3:00-3:30: Registration tea/coffee 3:30-3:40: Introduction (Janneke Adema) 3:40-4:00: Pascal Aventurier…
Radical Open Access and The Politics of Publishing. A Genealogy of Affinities and Correlations
A bit belated (I will be uploading some talks I gave during the last months in the next few days), underneath the paper I gave at the Radical Open Access conference, which we hosted at Coventry University 15-16th of June. The videos from this event will be available soon, and I will announce them here…