Tag: Openness
Radical Open Access and The Politics of Publishing. A Genealogy of Affinities and Correlations
A bit belated (I will be uploading some talks I gave during the last months in the next few days), underneath the paper I gave at the Radical Open Access conference, which we hosted at Coventry University 15-16th of June. The videos from this event will be available soon, and I will announce them here…
A Differential Thesis: Performing Versioned, Iterative, and Processual Scholarship
This blog has from its instantiation served as a platform to publish, among others, various iterations of my in-progress thesis in networked and multimodal ways in a (relatively) collaborative and interactive setting. It thus served as an experimental digital component to the print-on-paper version of my thesis, which I delivered to fulfill the requirements towards…
New Models of Knowledge Production. Open Access Publishing and Experimental Research Practices (Part I)
Chapter 5 of my thesis focuses on opportunities to intervene in the current cultures of knowledge production in academia and publishing, exploring efforts to rethink and re-perform the institutions surrounding the material production of the book, as well as our own entangled scholarly communication and publishing practices. I focus in particular in this chapter on…
Why experiment? A critical analysis of the values behind digital scholarly publishing
Last month I presented a paper entitled ‘Why Experiment? A Critical Analysis of the Values Behind Digital Scholarly Publishing’ at the 9th International Conference Crossroads in Cultural Studies, Paris, France, July 4th, 2012, hosted by Sorbonne Nouvelle University and UNESCO. This presentation was part of the panel: ‘Publishing Cultural Studies, Now and in the Future’, with excellent papers…
Open Media Research Seminars – Series 4
Tuesday 31st of January Tessa J. Houghton will give the first talk in the fourth series of Research Seminars at Coventry University on ‘Open Media’. The seminar series is accompanied by a blog that provides more information about the speakers, the theme and the seminars. You can find it here. Underneath the full program for…